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Make friends with alot of experienced players because they can teach you techniques and strategies.

Be active in forums so you know what is new, and can see any updates in the rules.

Don't just play 1 server at a time but about 2-3 so if you die in one you have others to go and play, this will give you alot more experince faster.

Dont spend money unless you have to. Money will accrue intrest on a bank planet, and help your score in the long run.

Dont attack a planet if you think you will lose. Be patient. SOFA the defenses off of the planet before blowing your 700 billion credit ship on a planet.

Dont go mouthing off to game admins or experienced players. Your reputation will be damaged... And a damaged rep is hard to repair in the BNT community.

Dont use multiple accounts, script abuse, or bug exploits. Take heed that Black Nova Traders is freeware, run by people who volenteer to admin and host the game. They ask nothing in return other than you enjoy the game that they have set up. Have fun, and respect the fact that this resource is so readily available.

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